Sunday, January 26, 2014

2014 Cline Shale Predictions

Ok, so 2013 is in the books and by any measure it was a great year for the Cline Shale formation.  In the second half of 2013 exploration really started to heat up and by the 4th quarter the big players were leapfrogging each other in their ability to produce better and better wells.  Though some people act like the Cline Shale formation is still really questionable, I tend to think its got some momentum behind it right now.  If you disagree, I would point you to this post where I aggregated some of the highlights from last year, most notable among them the fact that Pioneer Natural Resources’ Cline well in Andrews county broke the record for 24-hour initial production in the Midland Basin.

So what’s in store for 2014, and will the Cline development begin to affect the northern and eastern counties in the play like Scurry, Nolan, and Fisher?  Here are a few of my thoughts: